10 In Stock
- Product ID: 4260
What better way to honor the turn of the century than by owning a coin that was minted in that year! Over time, it has become difficult to find artifacts, in good condition, that take us back in time. But coins are our gateway to the past; to learn from their history and the value they hold in present day. Put a piece of history in your pocket, or rather, your collection. Most Morgan silver dollars have a high mintage, causing even the best conditioned coins to be sold at an achievable price. Your 1900 Morgan silver dollar was minted in Philadelphia and like all coins minted in Philly, there is no mint-mark presented on the reverse. Your coin shines with a brilliant uncirculated glimmer that should reach from one rim to the other. In order to protect that beautifully struck coin, we place all Morgans in coin flips when preparing them for shipment.